b'In our first POC call, for example, we had 15 research institutions applying jointly with 30 companies. By our fourth POC call, we received 61 applications from 31 different research institutions involving 69 companies. There was also wider sectorial spread and an improved balance of interventional themes (Prevent, Detect, Manage and Engineer) from our first to our fourth call. This fourth group of projects continues to address a wide range of sectors and challenges across health, hygiene, industrial processing, food, water, oral care, personal care, anaerobic digestion, waste and wastewater and biotechnology. This brings our total funded projects to 83, across diverse companies, sectors and research institutions. As our first two groups of awarded projects come to completion and mature, we are now looking to see their further progress and how NBIC can help. In the current COVID-19 affected science landscape we continue working with holders of active projects to understand how NBIC can be flexible and help them ensure their projects successfully complete.POC4 APPLICATIONSDETECT 15%PREVENT 27%ENGINEER 10%MANAGE 48%POC4 Applications by interventional themeDETECT 12%PREVENT 32%ENGINEER 12%MANAGE 44%POC4 Awarded by interventional theme45'